55" Samsung Smart 4K UHD TV & 65" Samsung Contemporary TV Stand Bundle  (2024)


Product Highlights

Watch and play your way with the advanced Samsung Smart TV platform that lets you quickly and easily access your favorite content.

  • HDR with PurColor™
  • Quad-Core Processor and Motion Rate 120
  • Storage space for your TV and audio equipment
  • Ski slope side panels in black satin metal and silver

Monthly Payment:




/mo. for 24 months, plus tax

Today's Payment:$



Number of Payments:24

Cash Price:You can buy this product for this price at a participating Aaron’s retail location. Aaron’s does not offer a retail option online. 1098.98

Cost of Lease ServicesThis is the amount in addition to the cash price you pay to cover all the benefits of leasing to own, including the ability to return the merchandise at any time without further obligation, lifetime reinstatement, and service and repair while leasing. +748.78

Total Cost of Ownership (plus tax):This is your lease payment multiplied by the number of payments to ownership, plus applicable tax.TCO doesn’t include any late fees or other charges you may pay according to the lease agreement if payments are not made on time, or optional charges such as Aaron’s Club. 1,847.76

Payment information shown for zip 20147.Not your zip?

Your Lease Ownership Plan

Payments & availability for 20147 (change)

Weekly with EZPay


$[[ checkMinVal(flexterm.AdvoLeaseRateWeekly, flexterm.NonAdvoLeaseRateWeekly).split('.')[0] ]].[[ checkMinVal(flexterm.AdvoLeaseRateWeekly, flexterm.NonAdvoLeaseRateWeekly).split('.')[1] ]]*

$[[ stylePricing(flexterm.NonAdvoLeaseRateWeekly, 0) ]].[[ stylePricing(flexterm.NonAdvoLeaseRateWeekly, 1) ]]*

$[[ checkMinVal(flexterm.AdvoLeaseRate, flexterm.LeaseRate).split('.')[0] ]].[[ checkMinVal(flexterm.AdvoLeaseRate, flexterm.LeaseRate).split('.')[1] ]]*

$[[ formatPrice(flexterm.LeaseRate).split('.')[0] ]].[[ formatPrice(flexterm.LeaseRate).split('.')[1] ]]*

was $[[ checkMaxVal(flexterm.AdvoLeaseRateWeekly, flexterm.NonAdvoLeaseRateWeekly) ]]

was $[[ checkMaxVal(flexterm.AdvoLeaseRate, flexterm.LeaseRate) ]]

per week + tax

per month + tax

$[[ formatPrice(getFirstPaymentAmount) ]]due today*Understand Today's Payment

Select your [[ paymentOptionText ]] plan [[ paymentOptionText == 'monthly' ? '' : 'with EZPay' ]]

55" Samsung Smart 4K UHD TV & 65" Samsung Contemporary TV Stand Bundle (1)

EZPay autopay required for weekly payments. Avoid late fees & cancel anytime, no extra costs. Learn more about EZPay

Make weekly payments on your monthly lease agreement by signing up for EZPay autopay with no extra cost. You can sign up for EZPay in checkout with a debit/credit card.

Weekly with EZPay


$[[ checkMinVal(flexterm.advoLeaseRateWeekly, flexterm.nonAdvoLeaseRateWeekly).split(".")[0] ]].[[ checkMinVal(flexterm.advoLeaseRateWeekly, flexterm.nonAdvoLeaseRateWeekly).split(".")[1] ]]*

was $[[ checkMaxVal(flexterm.advoLeaseRateWeekly, flexterm.nonAdvoLeaseRateWeekly) ]]

per week + tax

$[[ formatPrice(flexterm.nonAdvoLeaseRateWeekly).split(".")[0] ]].[[ formatPrice(flexterm.nonAdvoLeaseRateWeekly).split(".")[1] ]]*

per week + tax

$[[ checkMinVal(flexterm.AdvoLeaseRate, flexterm.LeaseRate).split('.')[0] ]].[[ checkMinVal(flexterm.AdvoLeaseRate, flexterm.LeaseRate).split('.')[1] ]]*

was $[[ checkMaxVal(flexterm.AdvoLeaseRate, flexterm.LeaseRate) ]]

per month + tax

$[[ formatPrice(flexterm.LeaseRate).split('.')[0] ]].[[ formatPrice(flexterm.LeaseRate).split('.')[1] ]]*

per month + tax

$[[ formatPrice(flexterm.firstPaymentAmount) ]] due today *Understand Today's Payment

55" Samsung Smart 4K UHD TV & 65" Samsung Contemporary TV Stand Bundle (2)

EZPay autopay required for weekly payments. Avoid late fees & cancel anytime, no extra costs. Learn more about EZPay

Make weekly payments on your monthly lease agreement by signing up for EZPay autopay with no extra cost. You can sign up for EZPay in checkout with a debit/credit card.

Today's Payment

$[[ noTabs ? formatPrice(flexterm.firstPaymentAmount) : formatPrice(flexterm.FirstPaymentAmount)]]*

Weekly EZPay Overview

Number of Payments to Ownership

[[ flexterm.NumberOfWeeklyPayments ]]

[[ flexterm.numberOfWeeklyPayments ]]

Enrollment Fee


Total Weekly Payment

$[[ checkMinVal(flexterm.AdvoLeaseRateWeekly, flexterm.NonAdvoLeaseRateWeekly) ]] + tax

$[[ formatPrice(flexterm.NonAdvoLeaseRateWeekly) ]] + tax

$[[ checkMinVal(flexterm.advoLeaseRateWeekly, flexterm.nonAdvoLeaseRateWeekly) ]] + tax

$[[ formatPrice(flexterm.nonAdvoLeaseRateWeekly) ]] + tax

Lease Ownership Plan

Ownership Plan

[[ flexterm.Term ]] months

Monthly Total

$[[ checkMinVal(flexterm.AdvoLeaseRate, flexterm.LeaseRate) ]] + tax

$[[ formatPrice(flexterm.LeaseRate) ]] + tax

Cash Price

Cash Price + Cost of Lease Services = TCO
Total Cost / Months = Monthly Payment

$[[ cashpriceval.toLocaleString().replace(/\d(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, '$&,').trim() ]]

Cost of Lease Services

This is the amount in addition to the cash price you pay to cover all the benefits of leasing to own, including the ability to return the merchandise at any time without further obligation, lifetime reinstatement, and service and repair while leasing.

+$[[ CostOfLeaseService(cashpriceval, flexterm.LeaseRate, flexterm.Term, flexterm.AdvoLeaseRate) ]]

Service and Repair During Lease


Delivery + Set Up


Total Cost of Ownership

This is your lease payment multiplied by the number of payments to ownership, plus applicable tax.TCO doesn’t include any late fees or other charges you may pay according to the lease agreement if payments are not made on time, or optional charges such as Aaron’s Club.

$[[ totalCostOfOwnership(flexterm.LeaseRate, flexterm.Term, flexterm.AdvoLeaseRate) ]]

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Free Delivery: Estimated 5-7 business days

Similar items with free 2 - 3 day Express Delivery

    Scheduling: Delivery estimate is based on product location and availability. Your local store will contact you to schedule a date and time that works best for you.Learn more about our delivery process.

    Availability, payment, and delivery time are for delivery to20147.

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    55" Samsung Smart 4K UHD TV & 65" Samsung Contemporary TV Stand Bundle  (2024)


    How many free channels do you get with Samsung Smart TV? ›

    The best of TV.

    Choose from 350+ live TV channels and 1000s of movies and shows on demand, all for free.

    Which model is Samsung 55 inch 4K Smart TV? ›

    Samsung 55 Inch 4K SMART Crystal UHD TV - UA55TU8000U.

    What does UHD mean on a Samsung TV? ›

    UHD (Ultra High Definition) technology provides a sharp, crisp and immersive viewing experience by squeezing 3840x2160 pixels onto the screen compared to 1920x1080 pixels on an HD TV.

    Is Samsung TV worth the price? ›

    Samsung TVs provide performance suitable for most buyers, but they can also be costly compared to some competing brands. They generally perform very well and are among the best TVs on the market, especially if you want gaming features.

    Can a smart TV pick up free channels? ›

    While smart TVs typically come with built-in antennas, they are used for Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connectivity — not for picking up free-to-air channels. You can always try using a less sophisticated analog antenna, but there's a good chance you'll experience signal problems.

    How long does a Samsung 55 inch TV last? ›

    On average, most TVs tend to last around 7 to 10 years of frequent usage. Even at its maximum brightness, a TV can easily last for up to 100,000 total hours of use. TVs are built to last. Major manufacturers like Samsung, LG, and Philips, amongst countless others, pride themselves on the quality of their TVs.

    Which 4K TV is best Sony or Samsung? ›

    Sony TVs generally offer better picture quality due to their superior OLED technology, delivering perfect blacks and more accurate colors. However, Samsung's QLED and Neo QLED models provide excellent brightness and vibrant colors, making them ideal for brightly lit rooms.

    What is the difference between Samsung 55 QLED and UHD? ›

    QLED is their premium, higher-quality range, and Crystal UHD is their cheaper range, which is reflected in their price. With a QLED television, you'll have a wider range of colour (including its dynamic range), more brightness, and improved contrast, among other benefits.

    Which is better UHD or 4K UHD? ›

    Truth be known, buying a 4K TV versus a UHD TV will not make much of a difference to the average viewer, with both offering excellent resolution. However, if having the highest possible picture clarity is essential to you, you'll want to look for a 4K unit that displays at 4,096 x 2,160.

    What is the difference between a smart TV and an UHD smart TV? ›

    A 4K smart TV is a display that boasts a full UHD 4K Resolution of 3,840 x 2,160 pixels. A full HD smart TV, on the other hand, has a total resolution of around 1,920 x 1,080 pixels. When you hear these two models being discussed together, it is likely because of the differences in resolution.

    What is the downside of a 4K TV? ›

    The content recorded in 4K is still limited. To transfer videos in 4K it is necessary to have a minimum bandwidth of 25Mbps. The exported archives are very heavy and take up a lot of space. The prices of 4K televisions are not accessible for all pockets.

    Which TV is better, LG or Samsung? ›

    Samsung and LG TVs are pretty evenly matched when it comes to picture quality, audio performance, functionality, additional features, and even eco-friendliness. This can make it tough to decide which manufacturer's sets are a better choice for you. Ultimately, it will come down to your viewing habits and preferences.

    What TV brand is as good as Samsung? ›

    The best Sony TV on the market is the Sony A95L OLED. It's very similar to the Samsung S95C OLED, as it features the same impressive QD-OLED panel that delivers incredibly deep, inky blacks and bright, vibrant colors that stand out well.

    Is Samsung TV Plus free forever? ›

    No subscription, additional device, or credit card needed. Is Samsung TV Plus free? Samsung TV Plus is 100% free.

    Can I get normal channels on my Samsung smart TV? ›

    Channels and broadcasts just don't magically appear on your TV. You have to connect an antenna or cable and then scan for local stations. Once you do this, available channels nearby will be yours to watch! First, make sure you have an antenna or a cable box already installed and set up to go.

    What smart TV has the most free channels? ›

    Google TV—available on Chromecast or Android devices or TVs that use the Google TV smart system—offers more than 800 free channels, from new providers such as Tubi, Plex, and Haystack News. They join an existing lineup of free, ad-supported channels from Pluto TV, plus Google's own free built-in channels.

    How can I get local channels on my smart TV for free? ›

    Getting started with watching free, over-the-air TV using an antenna is fairly simple. In most cases, you can take the antenna out of the box, connect the cable to your TV, run a channel scan, adjust the antenna for optimum reception and you're good to go!

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    Article information

    Author: Kareem Mueller DO

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6357

    Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

    Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Kareem Mueller DO

    Birthday: 1997-01-04

    Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

    Phone: +16704982844747

    Job: Corporate Administration Planner

    Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

    Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.