He Puren, Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Experience in acupuncture and moxibustion in the treatment of pediatric diseases (2024)

He Puren, Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Experience in acupuncture and moxibustion in the treatment of pediatric diseases (1)
He Puren, Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Experience in acupuncture and moxibustion in the treatment of pediatric diseases (2)

▲He Puren, Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine (1926.5-2015.8)

Professor He Puren is a well-known acupuncturist and master of traditional Chinese medicine in mainland China, and enjoys a high academic status. In many years of clinical practice, he summed up the academic viewpoint that "qi stagnation is disease, qi is regulated, regulation is healing, and acupuncture treatment is to regulate qi", and in the 80s of the last century, the pathogenesis theory of "disease and qi stagnation" and the "three-way method" theory composed of "micro-pass method", "warm pass method" and "strong pass method" were formed. Over the years, Professor He Puren has overcome many difficult diseases with this method, and now introduces the treatment of some common pediatric diseases as follows for the benefit of colleagues.

01 ADHD in children

Pediatric ADHD refers to a complex disease with normal or basically normal intelligence, and the clinical manifestations are excessive activity, lack of attention, emotional instability, willfulness, impulsivity, and different degrees of learning difficulties, and slight disorders such as speech, memory, and motor control. There are many causative factors, such as genetic factors, minor brain damage, brain immaturity, industrial pollution, nutritional factors, family and environmental factors, and drug factors (luminal, phenytoin). It is more common in school-age children and is more common in males than females.

Etiology and pathogenesis

Insufficient congenital endowment: various factors such as the mother's viral infection during pregnancy or a history of medication that affects the fetus, as well as a history of intrauterine asphyxia during childbirth, affect the normal development of the fetus.

Dietary factors: such as insufficient nutrients in the diet, or improper combination of nutrients, or excessive consumption of raw and cold damage to the spleen and stomach, resulting in deficiency of qi and blood, and loss of mental nutrition; Excessive consumption of fat and sweet flavor produces damp heat and phlegm turbidity, blocking qi and disturbing the mind.

Trauma and other factors: such as birth trauma and other traumatic injuries, which stagnate qi and blood, poor meridians, and heart and liver dystrophy and restlessness; Or due to other diseases, although the original disease has been cured, it has caused a reversal of qi and blood, so that the mind is not nourished, so that the mind is uneasy to hide and the disease occurs.

Clinical presentation

Lack of concentration, inability to concentrate, restlessness, preference for small movements, excessive activity; Emotionally unstable, impulsive and willful, clumsy in movements, lower in academic performance than peers, but with normal intelligence; Positive rotation test, finger nose test, and finger test.


Rule: Calm the mind and calm the mind, reconcile yin and yang.

Acupuncture points: Baihui, Zhuzhu, Xinyu, Tongli, Zhaohai, Dazhu, Waist Qi.

Acupuncture method: milli acupuncture, with flat supplement and laxative method, once a day, each time the needle is left for 30 minutes, 10 times for 1 course of treatment. Children who are inconvenient to keep needles can be punctured quickly.

Typical medical cases

Lu, male, 9 years old. It's been 10 months since I was active and multilingual. The child had a history of trauma 1 year ago, the head was injured, the hematoma under the scalp, the hematoma disappeared after treatment, since 10 months ago, the child often shrugged his shoulders and nose, squeezed his eyebrows and eyes, moved his hands and feet easily, lost concentration in class, made small movements, sometimes scolded and beaten, and his academic performance decreased significantly. Later, he was diagnosed with "progressive convulsions" by a hospital and "Tourette syndrome" by a children's hospital. The tongue is pale red, thin and white, and the veins are thin.

Diagnosis: ADHD in children.

Syndrome differentiation: the child is traumatic, qi and blood stasis, yin and yang imbalance, heart and liver dystrophy, and restlessness.

Rule: Adopt the harmony of yin and yang, dissolve stasis and channel, and calm the mind and soul.

Acupuncture and acupuncture: bamboo, large vertebrae, waist Qi. Prick it with a needle, and leave no needle.

The patient was treated with acupuncture once every other day. 5. After the diagnosis, the eyebrows and eyes, nose twitching and shrugging disappeared; 10. After the diagnosis, the activity was significantly reduced, the quarrel and scolding with classmates were reduced, and the self-control ability was enhanced; After 15 diagnoses, the child was able to abide by classroom discipline and his academic performance improved compared with before. After 20 years of diagnosis, he was basically normal, and he was able to unite his classmates, respect his teachers, and complete his homework on time.

Press: ADHD is a disease that occurs in children, with the highest incidence rate in children aged 6~8 years, or the most prominent clinical manifestations during this period, because the occurrence of this period is gradual, the course of the disease is more than 6 months, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, it can be regarded as a phenomenon of yin and yang imbalance gradually formed in the process of children's development.

The development of children at this stage is characterized by vigorous function (yang), relatively excessive consumption of material (yin) "pure yang body", yang initiative, yang flourishing and yin decaying, and yin and yang imbalance is the key to the onset of ADHD patients. The heart hides the spirit, the lungs hide the soul, the liver hides the soul, the spleen hides the will, and the kidneys hide the will, these are the five gods. The five gods are the physiological activities of the five organs, and also include the activities of the central nervous system referred to by modern medicine. The activities of the five gods are actually dominated by the heart, that is, the mind is in the position of ruling over the other four gods. ADHD in children, regardless of the type, is characterized by the five mental disorders, especially the most common mental disorders, that is, mental disorders, inattentiveness, lack of determination, lack of concentration, lack of thinking, and lack of wisdom.

Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes that the body determines the spirit, and also attaches importance to the commander-in-chief position of the spirit in life activities. Qi and blood, one yin and one yang, are fundamental to each other, promote each other, and maintain the normal coordination of the physiological functions of the viscera. Patients with ADHD have chaotic qi and blood, unnourishing internal organs, and poor meridians, so they lose their peace and become sick.

In the treatment of ADHD, we should pay attention to regulating qi, blood, yin and yang, and calming the nerves. Among the commonly used acupuncture points, the large vertebral acupoint of the Du Pulse and the waist Qi acupoint on the line of the Du Pulse suppress the sun and calm the wind. The clinical manifestations of ADHD are mainly hyperactive and multi-verbal, so it is the evidence of yang sheng, and the acupoints of the yang meridian of Du mai are taken to inhibit yang sheng and achieve the purpose of regulating yin and yang; Bamboo is enough for the sun bladder meridian acupoint, has the function of calming the nerves, has always been used by doctors to calm the nerves, and it is also the acupoint that He Lao is good at applying. The combination of the above acupuncture points can achieve good results in the treatment of ADHD.

02 Pediatric mental retardation

Mental retardation, that is, mental retardation or insufficient intelligence, that is, children are significantly backward in intellectual development compared with children of the same age, and even unable to receive education, unable to take care of themselves, and accompanied by adaptive behavior deficits A group of diseases, which have a certain impact on the family and society. There are many causes of mental retardation, all of which are caused by underdeveloped nervous system or brain, or developmental disorders.

According to the early and late appearance of symptoms, it can be divided into primary and secondary. Primary can be divided into three aspects: prenatal, labor and postpartum. Secondary disease is mostly caused by various factors in the postpartum period. Many factors can cause mental retardation in children, according to the comparison with normal children's intelligence, it can be divided into three degrees: the intellectual age of mild children can reach the level of 7~14 years old, the intellectual age of moderate children can only reach the level of 3~6 years old, and the severe children are less than 3 years old.

In addition to the above, there are also some neurological diseases that are accompanied by or manifested by mental retardation, mainly epilepsy, hereditary and progressive degenerative diseases of the nervous system. They are characterized by the fact that intellectual and behavioral movements may be completely normal before the onset of the disease, and more severe cases after the onset of the disease are often accompanied by progressive intellectual disability and motor impairment.

This disease belongs to the five delays and five soft categories of traditional Chinese medicine. The five delays are the delay in initiating, the delay in acting, the delay in the development, the delay in speaking, and the delay in teeth. That is, the muscles and bones are weak and cannot walk, which is delayed; Hair is sparse and fine yellow for delayed hair, and unstable body standing is delayed for delay; Speech delay is speech delay; There are fewer people who are late. Five soft refers to soft head, soft mouth, soft hands, soft feet, and soft muscles. That is, those with soft hands have weak hands and cannot hold them; Those with weak feet have weak lower limbs and cannot walk; Those with soft mouths have weak mouths, thin lips and weak lips, and cannot chew; The muscles are soft, the skin is loose and relaxed, and the muscles do not grow. The five delays and the five softs are mainly false evidence, which often become chronic diseases and are difficult to heal.

Etiology and pathogenesis

This disease is caused by insufficient congenital endowment, loss of liver and kidney, acquired malnutrition, and weakness of qi and blood. It is mainly due to the deficiency of the heart, spleen, liver and kidney, the essence is not full, and the shrewd house is not nourished. Some acquired children have blood stasis and phlegm obstruction of the brain network, resulting in deafness. The cause is mainly congenital, the genetic defects of both parents, sperm and blood deficiency, thin blood weakness, insufficient pregnancy and fetal endowment, or the mother's carelessness in daily life, diet and medication during the fetus, resulting in injury to the fetal element. The acquired factors are similar to those mentioned above in Western medicine. The above reasons can lead to the lack of heart, spleen, qi and blood, liver and kidney yin deficiency, the upper part can not fill the marrow and nourish the brain, and the external body can not nourish the muscles, bones and muscles, so that the shrewd house is lost in intelligence, the limbs are weak, and the intelligence is lower than that of normal children of the same age. The disease is more deficient and less real, and a small number of empirical patients often damage the brain due to birth trauma, so that stasis obstructs the brain, or after fever, the turbidity and evil stagnation, the trick is impassable, and the mind and brain are lost.

Clinical presentation

Mild cases are manifested as poor comprehension, poor arithmetic ability, slurred speech, fine motor difficulties, severe mental retardation, no speech or can only speak, no comprehension, unable to walk, or can walk, but the gait is unstable. Unable to take care of oneself in life, easy to fear.


Rule: Adding marrow to the governor, strengthening the brain and intellect.

Acupuncture points: Baihui, Sishencong, Fengfu, Dumb Gate, Dazhu, Xinyu, Tongli, Zhaohai.

Puncture method: Quickly prick with a milli needle, leaving no needle. The needle should be steady, shallow and fast, that is, the needle should be held steadily, the puncture point should be accurate, the technique should be light, and the needle should be shallow and fast. Strive to be painless, and the needle cannot be lifted and twisted. Acupuncture once a day, or once every other day, for a course of 3 months.

Typical medical cases

Sun, male, 3 and a half years old. The patient was born at term and was not found to be abnormal when he was young, but he has been unable to walk, can only speak very little, has slurred words, has no understanding, is timid and afraid of people, and is afraid of unfamiliar environments. Poor constitution and susceptibility to colds. Crying at night, bedwetting, little food, thin body. The tongue is pale and white, and the pulse is thin. Brain CT is normal.

Diagnosis: infantile mental retardation.

Treatment: After more than 2 months of treatment with the acupoint, the patient was gradually able to walk, pronounce words more clearly, love to speak, have a cheerful personality, and could recognize others other than his parents, and his physical fitness improved.

Press: He Puren believes that this disease is more virtual and less real, the main reason is congenital insufficiency, acquired nourishment, so the tonic benefit is the day for its Dafa, supplemented by the wisdom to open the mind and awaken the mind, from the composition of the acupuncture points can be seen that He Lao attaches great importance to the role of the pulse, he thinks: the pulse "and in the spine" "into the brain", so take the acupoint of the pulse to regulate the meridian qi, enrich the sea of marrow, and strengthen the brain and intellect.

The treatment of this disease is based on the method of "supplementing" and "adjusting", that is, supplementing the innate nature to consolidate the foundation, adjusting the yang energy of the surrounding body, and clearing its chaotic mind, so that its brain and mind wake up. Baihui will be at the top, for the siblings of the three yangs, the meeting of the pulse, so the head is the meeting of the suns; The cave occupies the highest position, and the surrounding caves are in order, such as a hundred veins looking up at the court. "Huiyuan Acupuncture and Moxibustion" records that it can be used to treat epilepsy, angular arch reversal, forgetfulness and insomnia, palpitations and dizziness, children's night crying, etc.

Fengfu is the intersection point of the Du Pulse, the Foot Sun Meridian and the Yang Wei Pulse. It can be used to treat strong neck pain, epilepsy, stroke, etc. The intersection of the mute door and the yang vein. "The dumb door is the door of pronunciation...... Hence the name. It can be used to treat slow tongue, neck stiffness, cerebral palsy, etc.

The large vertebrae is the intersection point of the yang meridians of the governor and the hands and feet, which can be used to treat epilepsy, hysteria, headache, cough and fever. The veins of the bladder, the spine against the waist and kidneys, take the heart and Yu acupoints, open the heart, calm and calm the nerves. Foot Shao Yin and Kidney meridians shine on the acupoints of the sea, nourish the liver and kidneys, take the Tongli, the heart meridians and acupoints, regulate the heart qi and blood, match with the sea, and play a role in nourishing the heart and kidneys, so that water and fire are mutually beneficial, and the heart and kidneys intersect. The four gods are typical of the acupoints of the brain and awakening the gods, which are connected to the Du Pulse, between the Sun Meridian and the Liver Meridian, so it is good at adjusting the yin and yang of the body, and the needle can rest the wind and calm the mind.

In clinical practice, when the syndrome differentiation is mainly based on deficiency, Baihui, Sishencong, Dumb Door, Xinyu, Tongli, and Zhaohai are the leaders. A small number of people who are mainly based on empirical evidence adopt the method of strengthening the right and dispelling evil at the same time, that is, on the basis of false evidence, add the three acupoints of Fengfu, Dazhu, and Waist Qi. Do not use too heavy or too heavy a stroke. Therefore, the disease is a chronic disease, so family members and doctors should be patient, and the treatment time is better than 3 months to half a year.

03 Enuresis

Enuresis is a person who urins uncontrollably while sleeping. Children under 5 years of age who do not have enuresis too frequently may not be treated. Occasionally, those who are tired or wet the bed by drinking too much water before going to bed do not become sick.

Etiology and pathogenesis

If the kidney qi is insufficient, the opening and closing fails, the lower source cannot be fixed, and the bladder has no right to restrain and enuresis occurs; Or due to the deficiency of qi in the spleen and lungs, the qi does not dissolve water, and the spleen loses its health, so that the water is not wet, and it penetrates into the bladder, and the waterway cannot be restricted, resulting in enuresis.

Clinical presentation

Enuresis in sleep, sleep after waking up. If it is delayed for a long time, there may be symptoms such as lack of energy, loss of appetite, emaciation and chlorosis, or long and frequent urine, cold hands and feet. There were no abnormal findings in urinalysis and urine culture. X-rays may show negative spina bifida or urography may show deformity.


Treatment: Regulate the spleen and kidney, strengthen the spleen and lungs, and solidify the lower yuan.

Acupoints: Main acupoints: Sanyinjiao, Kidney Yu, Guan Yuan, Zhongji. Acupoints: Qihai, Zusanli, Bladder Yu, Yangling Spring, Taichong, Baihui.

Acupuncture method: puncture the acupuncture point 0.5~1 inch deep with a milli needle, once a day, leave the needle for 30 minutes each time, use the tonic method, moxibustion.

Typical medical cases

Meng, female, 5 years old. Enuresis for more than 1 year. The child developed enuresis 1 year ago, with heavier daytime, lighter nighttime, and frequent urination. In the past two months, I have been drenched and unable to control myself, but after falling asleep, I have improved slightly, my food is acceptable, and my stool is normal. The tongue is pale red, the tongue coating is white, and the veins are thin.

Diagnosis: (congenital endowment insufficiency, kidney qi weakness type) enuresis.

Treatment: Warm and replenish kidney yang.

Acupuncture and moxibustion: Qi Hai, Middle Pole, Three Yin Jiao. The child was cured after 8 treatments after 1 treatment per day.

Note: He Puren believes that enuresis in children is mostly caused by kidney qi weakness, although there are clinical spleen qi deficiency patients, but they are all based on kidney deficiency. Children are originally immature yin and yang bodies, if due to congenital deficiency, kidney qi weakness, and no right to gasification, they cannot control themselves and enuresis. The principle of treatment for this disease is to warm and replenish the kidney element, and use the Guan Yuan, Zhongji, Qi Hai, Sanyin Jiao and other acupoints to supplement it. You can also use moxibustion Guan Yuan to strengthen the effect of warming and replenishing kidney yang, about half an hour each time, once a day.

The three yin intersect and replenish the spleen qi to regulate the acquired, and can regulate the three meridians of the liver, spleen and kidney. Kidney division two stools, enuresis is based on kidney deficiency, so take the kidney Yu acupoint of kidney meridian qi infusion to cultivate and supplement the congenital; Guan Yuan and Zhongji acupoints are Ren meridian acupoints, which are strong acupoints, and the middle pole is also the bladder meridian acupoints, which can help yang and benefit the bladder, which can warm the kidneys and fix the intake and treat enuresis. Qi Hai, Zu Sanli Pei Yuan solid foundation; bladder Yu to benefit the bladder; Yangling Spring, Taichong regulates qi and soothes the liver; Baihui invigorates the yang energy, and the rising sun falls. It can also be used in Kidney Yu and Guan Yuan to enhance the power of warming and replenishing kidney yang. The acupoints work together to warm and nourish the spleen and kidneys, and solidify the effect of the lower yuan.

brief summary

He Puren has been practicing medicine for 70 years and has established a unique acupuncture and moxibustion therapeutics system - He's acupuncture and moxibustion three-way method. For some incurable diseases and old diseases, we advocate the combined use of various methods such as milli needle, fire needle, triangular needle, plum blossom needle, cupping, moxibustion, etc., and strive to change the previous thinking of single needle treatment.

Because of their young age, most children do not cooperate with doctors, and the pain and irritation will make them toss and turn even more. Therefore, acupuncture should be light and shallow without leaving needles, that is, fast acupuncture therapy. "Prick children, shallow thorns and rapid needles", children's viscera is delicate, the shape of the qi is not filled, it is the body of "immature yin and immature yang", so the acupuncture method is adopted, mainly to supplement, and it is appropriate to be light and shallow. In addition, there is a saying about fast acupuncture therapy, which is considered to be mild stimulation, and light stimulation is a kind of tonic method. Because the needle is inserted very quickly, the child does not feel pain.

Fire acupuncture therapy and phlebotomy are less commonly used in pediatric diseases, but they are also used for pediatric hoarding, pediatric diarrhea, joint pain and other diseases. Clinically, it is necessary to treat according to different constitutions and different conditions, and flexibly apply the three-way method.

Zheng reiterates:

Since each person's constitution and condition are different, the prescription and dosage in this case are only applicable to the patient's condition at that time. Without TCM syndrome differentiation diagnosis and treatment, the prescription and dosage in this case must not be copied. If necessary, readers should go to a regular hospital for diagnosis and treatment to avoid delaying their condition. ■

[Content compiled from: "China Traditional Chinese Medicine News" June 16, 2021 fifth edition, author: Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Affiliated to Capital Medical University Wang Guiling, Zhao Yin, Xie Xincai, Feng Yi]

He Puren, Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Experience in acupuncture and moxibustion in the treatment of pediatric diseases (2024)
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