The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)

18 a TOE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 1930 ii "GRUMPY'VAT ARCADIA SDNS THREE FACE Hellenic Grappler Retains Heavyweight Crown Cyril Maud Star In Film Vrlon of TO BOYD'S Sit ISTBli FEU 33 PENNSYLVANIANS InlSKO HI Stag 6vcct A Aim adaptation and a very ex-cellently don one of "Grumpy," comedy in which Cyril Maude, the English actor, appeared for many performancea on tbe speaking ttage, i tht atar, wa tbt plctur to inaugurate tb new first run policy at th Arcadia Iheatr yesterday. Mr. Maude Inter. John Barrymore Does -Ex LONDOS' BODY SLAM PINS CALZA AT ARENA Fans Razz Referee Wolff Who Calls Fall as Italians IN AMATEUR PLAY 10 1 11 PRIZE cellent Work In. Melville Eric von Stroheim Outs Ing in Cast With Consta: Bennett as Heroine prat the grouchy old hypochondriac Whaling Story New York Has 31 Entries With Remainder of 170 anu sen-appointed detective, with a wealth of fore and unction, giving to th character a touch and flncss that ia quit rart In these day of alapatlck characterization.

Tht atory fa too jell known to need repetition here. Suffice to sy that it ir enjoyable, even if at met it Leg i Protrudes Through Ropes; Challenger's EUgibles Distributed Among Stales andf Foreign Joan Bennett and' Lloyd Gene Shoots Sensational Last Round to Take Lan-nin Title "pie Yjrginny" on stJ "I Hughes Are Seen in the Headlong, Aggressive Battle Brings Him to Grief Countries for Golf Classic at Merion Sevtizky Conducts an abov th bead of the average movie Ian. Supporting Cast larged Orchestra Mr. Maud haa been By PERRY LEWIS By STAN BAUMOARTNER SALISBURY PLAINS. N.

Kept. (A. P.I. Scorina a 70 on Ihu Inst wnyany. which includes rDUIlDS Hnlma Paul u.i rouna.

Oene Saraien. itockv mofes. If one Isn't too Insistent that Her "Three Face Eat" llweir Dade, recruited 4Vnm ti.i. i i. sioual from Flushing, N.

today won val ia th finale at Fehbl Beach, Or. Oscar G. Willing, Wavrly Country Club, Portland, ia tha leader of tb man Melville' food, old tory of wbal Jim Londos, th ttocky Creek grappler, who hold th world wrestling title, successfully defended hia crown before crowd of WKK) mira incarnation me i.annln memorial open Mat Results waa shown aa th 6,1 ing day off New Bedford In the early Thirty-three Penntylvaniana, twenty-six of them from tb Philadelphia district, are eligible to tee off in tha qualifying rounda of the Amateur Golf Championship at the Merion Cricket (Tub Monday and Tuesday, September Luray. Of.f Hytten and otb.J; The oiMctloo of tb picture is of guperlor goir onampionenip witn a Ti-nola tota of 287. lWU, should be toldexactly aa Mr.

Mel villa wrote it, one can have an exclt Maatbaum Tbeatr Shortly gun had ceased firing in Oregon contingent, which numbera alx and includes such familiar names as Frank Dolp and Don Moe, Johnny Goodman, who becam tha aentsation of client at the Outdoor Arena last niabt when be Battened tor in Culm, of c' production Having been skillfully handled. It ia one plctur which might well be used to Jim Londoi, 200, Greene, threw George Calia, 217, Italy, with a body ing and entertaining tiru at tb Boyd nunner-up witn waa Walter Kozak, of Douglas! vn, N. who shot rounda of flit and 71 today and held the lead until Sarazen's fourth round 70 th war wa a matter to I Italy, with a body alum to 53 nilnute, 41 aftcrinrls. lust year struggle when he defeated Theatre, where tbe Dew varsion of maturate a new policy at thl house, elam In S3 minute and 44 aaoondi. and i'd, according to tn orticiai entry list released by tbe U.

S. O. A. today. Thii the Keystone State will top niucr pro-Ally or "Three- Fno.

"Moby Dick" made its local bow yea' Ther wa no queatlon about Cala' shoulder being on th mat for three pushed linn luto aecond place. Ceorga Hagen, 212, New York, tossed Third honors went to a young Brit terday. Back In the dim day of silent ijooi. timely and popular atage fare thl seconds before lli fall was ciiea. Joe Komar, 240, Poland, In 37 minute and 41 picture John Barrymor mad tbl pic isher from t'Jementon, Charles Lacey, whose first round of C9 aided However, one of tha Latin' I'M waa oionu violet Hemming agent, now German and nu ture with th then new and timid screen actress Dolore Coetello a Ml STARS II E1E PICTURE Tiny Roebuck, 240, Oklahoma, threw au other rivals tn numbers at least, a New York, It closest rival, baa marshalled only thirty-one prospective champions.

Tb remainder of the 170 entries are divided among the various other Slates, Canada, Scotland, England hanging ovir tha lower rope aa Londos pinned him. Apparently everybody in the phici. with the exception of Referee Wolff, aw tbe position of tliot If. Faltb. Though Faith didn't find hlin in scoring an aggregate of 2'M.

His last round of 71 beat par by one stroke. Two strokes behind MacDonald Smith, of (jreat Neck, at tbe end of John Spellman, 208, Providence, In 19 minute and I aeoond, jvmiw at, me silent pin-uccesafully tried presenting tti, of tpiea and melodrama with iK. Hobby jonea In the first round, is Ne-braska'a lone tntry. Tb ability of Bobby Jonea to weather tb first two round of eighteen hole will th bit tory of the championship. If the triple titlebolder can survive until th ad-hole matcbea etart, no observer who bai ventured an opinion think can be defeated.

Upset Likely Over the short route it lea a different atory. Of the 170 entries, and in th 32 who will qualify for match play, there will any number of shot-makera who can reel off birdiea in in harnv rnidinv with AhaK In th.t u. Ohafoor Khan, 200, Afghanistan, Aa a result, wnen tne ton waa ni th tale goe that it wa tb attraction that sprang up during work on thia picture that aravt lh ronl llnUro. tne tnircl round, barasen produced a brilliant atreak of golf just when he otic und temneraraental Jelt qJ and Clive Brook heading tbe lowed, the referee waa will, threw Flrpo Wilcox. 225, Texas, In I and the Hawaiian Islands.

Illinois Is sending lixteen to Merion, Canada twelve, Massachusetts eleven and California 10. Many State art rep- rer.ibsrrles, ana on eiaeriy parson minuia ana ii leuonus. "Sins' of the Children" Story needed It most. Hia card for the fourth of jonn rarrymora lor nuatiand. To t' mind of thia rtviawar th.

n.w. felt no aggrieved by th failure round showed sixteen 4 and two Sa. Now. however, after a p.rj which audiencea bave aeeuied i'. Wolff in allow the fall that he wanted reieulcd by a single linksman and hoiak played the most spectacular ot Modern.

Life; Stage "Moby Dick" ia In every way better than "The Sea Beast." ita silent nmnv. to climb Into the ring and work plenty goir ot tne day, but could not quite in opniticauoD and a maturity of or. (ieorgia la on of these Kobert Tyre June. of damage on Herman witu a coupie make up for bia mediocre 14M total foolish and, ai usual, It worked. When a man wrestlea Londos he must either keep hia temper or take a beating.

If toii don't think an look up C'alia this morning and ask Litn. spired momenta. Half a doien birdiea cessor. John Bnrrvmor rivea a Baonr. Acts Good (Pinurn atrippini; ij of th llrst two rounds.

The Douglas Cyril J. H. Tolley, former British on any round ia likely to uoaet any iui, sometimes numoroua and sonjetlmes ton pro acored a 01 on the third round amateur champion', hcada tha list of piayar, even jonea. i no mine giumor ami romance of uch a "Journey' "All Qi, tbe Western Front" and "Wh.i and topped this off with a 70 on hi lie waa beaten last year by Good of busy list. Fan Ran Rafara Wolff A John Law restrained the aggres aive oldster, and Wolff went umuuleat-erl to hia dressing room.

foreign stars, but will have several ot London came In the ring at an tven 200, which gave the Latin a 17-pound last round to lose out by a aiugle man, and bad aome narrow escape. hia colleague in tbe field. Thomaa A. Loula Mann, lovable, pathetic, con tortured performance a Ahab. There ia considerably less of th Barrymore profile in this picture and more of Barrymor the splendid actor.

Hi line well wrlttn and dlivered In tbe inimitable Barrymor devil-may-ear notably at Mwikabda, when Maurice etige over tn champion. Hourne. of th Hoyal end Ancient u. (J. aumuiate, retaining all tha i atroge.

Both Lacey and MncDonald Smith Sicca thy. ssed a chanc to be St. Andrew, former French amateur Lndoulitedly (lie referee could very hi stage career, xdtlug a medley of it seems a futile and chi( thing to aet mysteriou blond purpoefully (talking German agent to prevent the entire fint Laet uight'a meeting was tha fourth between London and C'nlza mid marked the first win for the (Jreck. Heverai and Lngllsh native champion, who com who had to be only two strokes out of tha lead at tba half-way mark, bad one bnd round today to spoil their tujuuou, cam in a ratbw synthetic way to thi city Veitarriav. annaarlna neted at I'ebbl lieacn last year, win hav another try.

year a no, alaa pinned Jim on a Hoi coma famous, and again at Bra Burn, when ba had to go 10 holes to defeat R. R. Gorton In tbe second round. Voighf, Tolley and Johnston gave the Atlanta miracle man real fights ton mat, and in two Inter matcbea that John G. De torrett.

a Surrey play um meiro-uoiuwyn Mayer all-talkie. were tune limit affairs, was awarded er, I another entry, aa are Brig. Gen. wj. oomeume tney are shouted and loat.

in the madness of th wind and wave that lash about him in effective fashion. Two acene In the picture will make timid aoula abut their eye If they ujeriu transport from I. blown into tmall bit before Europe. If one Is atill intermit? sucb thing, then th bitter decision ui ius uimren, wnicu negan Its firt local bowlng at th Farl A. C.

Cntcbley. highest ranking oHi 1 lie clients law sotuo fast action cer on tba list, and Edward K. Tipple, in the lirltlan Championships, two matcbea ending at th born bole, and one going to tbe nineteenth. All these will be at Merlon and anything may tre. Vying with a a rouo of stairs nee.

tion of war that have been fim right from th etart when Gliat'oor who played well in tha last British probably meant onlv a inmk. u.l properly have forced Hie clianipion to release hia prey. Jlut it wouldn't hate made any difference anyway, for Lon-doa wild have thrown C'alna whenever he pleased. Iicfore executing tho liody alum that brought the bout to an eud. tho Hellenic grappler aoftened the ltiil-1 Inn up with a eerie of Japanes headlocka.

It was own fault that be fell a victim to these dam. ailing hold, for he lout bia head completely which la a very unhealthy thing to do when one la in a ring wit ih the wily Greek. came into the ring at C17 aonalitlea headed by Jay Mill, maater Khan, of Afghanistan, opened the party by flattening t'lriio Wilcox, of Texas, amateur cnampmnsnip. I. Ikl.

I Ul1 happen on Wednesday when th two or ceremonies, and comnrisina' ru iiumuiB uour an ineatre. clianeea. Lacey had a To on his tliinl oiind and Smith a 77 on th fourth. Smith' total of 2K2 waa good enough for fourth plac, however. Fifth place went to William, of Cleveland, with aixtb to Johnny Farrell with 21)5.

and seventh waa a tin between Bobby Cruh'keliauk, Purchase, N. and Craig Wood, Bloom-field, N. with 21X1. Tommy Armour, Detroit, wound up with 207; Jim Jtarne, of Pelham. with 20N; Horton Smith, C'ragston, N.

and AI Kspinosn. Chicago, with 200, and Hill Mehlborn, Peusacola, with in one minute It eeenm Ih. with a eg ls-hol matchea are played rI.w.. I.U..U... -a' Canadian Chimp Her C.

Ross Somervllle, present Cana nB iiieiii in nme. ine acene (n which Ahab'a leg-stump ia seared by tbe iron of tb blackamlth may be calculated to tend chill through tb raoit hardy. Alao tha seen In which Ahab revenge himself upon Moby Dick, tb iure racea Mat," even for melodrama, ba not been mad. aocuiuiaits oi uancera, aingera Jonoa will tee off in hia qualifying testa at 0.13 A. M.

on Monday' and and punster, Loul Mann, nevertbe- and nrm lock. Tbe lad from the Lone Blar State waa easy meat for the viei-tor from over tbe sen, ciilly well. Were It nut for tk. dian champion, and Don Carrick. for I by far the outatandinrr featur.

12.50 P. M. on Tuesday. In aelecting mer titlebolder, bead tb list oi cnai-lenrera from across the border. The orful and slyly huraoroua perforiJ of Eric von Stroheim it would be ii II.

1 1 he jiinees for the evenmi were of tbt programme. wnu wnaie, alter yeara of pursuit, by stabbing a loni harnoon throurh Its The picture Itaelf. masaucradlni nn. Ilichard Tbum and Stan Buiinigarlner, while Ben l'aul referecd the early tnese times tne commute baa purposely or inadvertently bnd an ey on the gallery. Within a half hour no other golfer likely to draw a Urge back until tba blood tushes out all uuu iar.

mt. von Btrufteia Boelk give interest at all time his acenea with hia individual pound, and at that weight lie waa golfer to travel the longest distance to try bia putter on the Merlon greena ia Franc! Brown, of tba Honolulu (Jolf Club, Houolulu. over Ahab. 301. der a nam that ia tointwbat a mi-nomer.

ia the cinema-tnlt of a father full of bumang that quite loses characterization and his airu.i, Asid from the able and excellent gallery will tee off. in better ahnpa than he baa been aince Hngen broke hia leg eighteeu month ago on Chicago mat. He stepped iiroiiinl wilh considerable speed and hia but Intriguing voice. It ia pieaatJ Piny will atnrt at 8 A. M.

aud con- performance contributed by Mr. Barry' more the Picture hue been well ril Tho present title noiticr, uarrison R. Johnston, of tbe White Bear Yacht vrncucai aio. ana aa a result tlllda himaelf nll. l.i.

nr. tlnue at flve-mlute Interval until 3 P. M. on both Monday and Tuesday. rected by Lloyd Bacon, who ba shown sea nim oacg on tti tureen insttnl having him remain in the direct- capacity that has held liim so hi Bouts.

Khan weighed 200 pounds, while Wilcox was pounds heavier. John Hpcllinan. of Providence. B. mixed it with Tiny Itoelmck, Iluxkell Indian from Oklahoma, in the second preliminary.

Spelliniin weighed 1108. while th Bed bkin went Kocbiick needed lit niiuutes, 1 second to Batten John, accomplishing the Irenieiiduus strength enabled bim to RED Club. Dellwood, ia oue of two linksmen from the Stat to make th PI, rem hbi tin ft' ih II fit f. run fr el ric ri it: 1 ve roil feed kin Im top ro ret th I 'he Mt a itrei it op 'I III I r.v, ITI'CI II leek ii ill rS imagination and Intel! gene. Tbe uho- fallur.

with even the children upon whom showered The pairings and starting tini for long trek acrosa tha country. Hi qualifying round follow ivnaiaiice ocDiieic aa Frances hi tree remains artificial and throughout tht film and never arUl tograpby ia notably beautiful with mla-ty viewa of the old town of New Bedford, (tartlingly lovely nautical acenea and a ferociou storm that lashea in realiatic fashion over tha deck of th thu humanity and genuinenesi olil role in "Common Clay." I OWLS II I How They Are All Paired for Qualifying Round Play at Merion Charlotte TAalker lives an lrrlti Shanghai Lady and ber cut-throat ly old-fashioned and out-modad formance a tb wife of Lord crew. Joan Bennett 1 not as wistfully lovely to look at aa waa Mia Costello, but she leem a better c- dernes and devotion, seeming to bave deserted him. for they hav gone to liv their own Uvea, in tbe whirlwind of ao-called jaia-wad youth.

It ia a story rather far-fetched, yet unveiling mot charmingly aome of th romance aud terror that goea to make up pre-ent-day home life. It ha humor and patho; lova and hatred; beauty aud sordidnesa and in th nd bring happiness. Matin, finished artist, truly give a splendid characterization of a crushed aud broken father whose unquenchable love eventually triumphs. Assisting- lain. William Courtney has also fa under the influence of the artlficki be stalks apiea wbo in turn sulk iv spies.

William Hollen Is sIbo ins Jamra P. Itindl-li. Tbt Country Club. Detroit. Mich.

11.45 1 15 Prancla Brown, Bonolulu 0.. Uonololn 17 tress. Even th rvuical will rather rind No Vegetable Diet and Zippy Atmosphere Has Put Plenty of Pep in Temple Squad riuy atandllrr, DMpdtlt, 0. 0 Orraf Nack N. Y.

cast. Hoy Del Buth has direclKi forthright fashion and without 11.50 1.20 Nlcol Tliompaon, Cedar Brook imagination, Tbe photography Is u. 'loronto. Canada. J.

Wood Plait. Wliltmiarab VI lay C. C. Cliaatnut Hill. Pa.

Sfon. Tiim. 00 II. Us Plillle Cnraoa, Merlon Cricket Club. llSTerford.

Ta. Chsilea C. Clare. Kite Brook C. (.

Oram. I'onn. 05 1M0 Jolin W. lirano. rloa Crlckat Club.

Hanarford. Pa. O. a. Carlton.

llouitoa 0. Houalnn. Tax. 1.10 U.J Arthur B. gwaat.

Hldaamoor 0 NnrwoM Fnrk. 111. Paul M. Burton Paveaport C. Davnuiort.

Iowa. 1.15 11.60 Henna Dnwtoo. (Urn Oak 0. 0., I hi, mo. 111.

JnpVaon W. (Oralis. Old York a 1 t.ii.i.ihv Si poor inrougnoiit the picture. break the Oreck'a holda with surpris-Ing ense just aa long aa be kept bla heail and wrestled coolly. There were tiinea when Calra made life very miserable for tha champion with a variety of holda that were cleverly secured and eavaitely executed.

Toe-holds, Lewis headlocka and aome face twiata bothered th Greek plenty, Calza the Aggressor Loudon wrestled as he did a year and waa not the aggressive grappler that he waa against Hliikat and 1 1 Steele, lie let Calxa come to him ami patiently waited until bis volatile rhiillenger started torun amuck, and then when George opened himself up. It waa no trick at all for Londos to complete bis triumph. The bout became a brawl In spots with both men resorting to right and left banders delivered with au open band. Hot I) were arned and on one occasion Londos became involved with lieferee Wolff In an argument. "I'll disqualify you aa quickly aa I would any other man," waa Herman's threat and he won th argument.

The slapping on tha part ot Londos waa a part of hia campaign to get gout and lead him to do aomething that the producers have compromised and allowed an almost happy ending tbia time. Nobel Johnson contribute a picturesque bit a the Heathen voodoo worshiper wlna hi little rain god. Lloyd Hughe 1 somewhat amateurish a Darek, th double-dealing brother of Ahab, and one i none too sorry to ee bim have bis back broken. There Iew r.ngttiniicr a iiowniali ana atniost bla titter ruin with a couple of body slams developed from the crotch and half-Nelson. It was a rough bout all the way.

Tha eeml-windtip, scheduled for for-ly-tive minutes brought together a couple of rough nrtists. One of Hum was Joe "Hull" Komar and the other George Hagen, of New York. Hen Paul refereeil this one. Komar weighed .10, mid llagen a mere Hagen Pin Komar After taking considerable beating from the huge Pole for H7 minutes and 41 seconds, Hagen secured a reverse flying mare on his opponent aa tb latter applied a full Nelson. With a terrltie explosion of energy Hagen brought Komar forward and over bia (llagen's) shoulders and dashed the big fellow to the mat with a thud that shook the ring.

Komar landed flat on his back with llagen on top of hira and was held In 11.1" im quit ably are KUiott Nugent, who, itll (1. Nuaent. wrote lh nlav- un virgiuiiy ia me title "la from glny Corr(ipos(ffnl, 4 25 Roland MarKanilt. Wllmlnttoa C. 0..

tVllnilnnten. Pel. (Irorta T. Dunlap. Cardan I lly 0 C.

Oardrn City. N. Y. weeg a very average atuge bill aentinir 81inf Himblin. Paulina lei OCEAN CITY.

N. Sept, Itobert Montgomery, Leila H.vama! Mary Astor and Francis 1300 kins, the California Crooners rlproaWng lot of footballer are these (50 Clyitt Cunningham, Rlrtr Oskt (J. Huualnn. Inaa, J. A.

Cameron, a Club Larsl- each of whom contrlbutea lo the idler girla. lubieu Seviuky owij I an altogether delightful doe In tbe Temple huskiei, and they just cann6t wait for reul scrimmaga caet, but on mle Mr. Barrymor' s'lr-i-Mc. tsnana. 1.33 Frank Doln.

Aldtrwood C. 0. tne newly enlarged Mastbauiu 0 tra through tba Tschaikovski "Cur 8 ll.B Pooaldaon ('rfuw-li, flulph llllli 12.05 picture a entertainment value. With Mills on the stage are: Three Bennett Brothers, clever dancers; porllanrl. Uravon.

result is that Head Coacb Hninie Mil co iiaueuua" in ante fashion. 11. Fhiiaaolpnia. fa. Kenneth H.

BmUU. Montclalr 0 C. Montdalr, NJ, J. 1.39 15.00 Far Col'man. California 0.

C. Calif ler will put the boy to work on tbe Diumera ieryua. jvancy Keener, Wesley Boynton, Lewie and Amea, with ilnmilton W. WrUSt. cl*trry Vallty Club.

Ctrdrn city. N. if. 12.10 1. 40 CSarlaa llaikn.

Ctlumtt 0. llomawnod, 111. pomld K. Moe. Aldtrwood 0.

C. real stuff tomorrow, although tb men WOMAN SWEPT TO DEJCt ota ot fun; Midnight and Daybreak; he Littlefield Dancers sn.l thai r.nrU hav only been down tine Tuesday. Jnrnaa A. Uutchlnann, Brae Purn C. 0., Nawton.

Maai. I SO rrnncla C. Uolirtnn. Ekwanok Why are the men a anxloua for OVER NIAGARA FALSI loniana, orrnon, 12.15 1.15 J. R.

I.enfratey. Ftmoor 0. C. C. Hlaliland Park III ManrhaklMV.

Vt. scrimmage? Well, most ot them are this poaition while Before Paul tolled t'ninr Cummlnn. Onwaatiln J. R. Uunlticott.

lllvarton 0. 0.. 'uw Jara REBELS SHOT FROM GUNS sophs very anxious to show their three eeconds necessury for a Hundreds See Unidentlfts Vicld 12.30 1.50 I'lillllpa riulay. Hhlunreork Bllll oir tin fall. Club. III. 1.13 11.10 Kllawonb Auiitua. Klrt lrf Ohio. stuff In ecrtmtnnga to make good.

Then own monkey, Clementine, that waa In th earlier picture. ON VIEWAT FOX "Song 0' My Heart" and Staj Features on th Bill Ystrday John MeCormick, tb gret Irish tenor, in hi drat motion picture, "Song 0' My Heart," opened at the Fog yesterday for a brief engagement, in conjunction with "Skirt Idea," a stage presentation by Fanchon and Marco. Early In tha past aeaaon Mr. MeCormick Waa aeen In tbia picture at tbe Fox-Locust, where it ran far some there's the salt nir and by no means IN AFGHAEXECUTIONS Houuiainpton. M.

x. Charlra Senvar. Lot Angltt C. a tie Jeaaa P. (iutllord.

Woodlaud 0. Plunge to Death NIAGARA FALLS, Kent. (A! least ia the insidious influence of the 12.33 g.55 Brl ilan. A. C.

Crltchley. Royal red meat diet the hoys have been partaking of since their arrival. Killed Two at a Tim to Savt Gun An uiiiiientineil woman, apira Anhnrndala, Ma. S.aO 12.15 Ialar Midland Bills 0 C.

St. ail. Minn. J. M.

Robbina. Morion Crlckal Club, navtrfoid. 't. il 13.30 Frad brand. Rhaanopla C.

II Pltlshiin-b. Pa Kin AiH iatt a. C. St. Andrtwa.

Kcoiland. Gaoton Ptak. Bouatoa 0. 0.. Trxaa.

lea air, red uieut ia just what we between 2u and years olil. MARLOWE SISTERS CARRY OFF DOUBLES NET TITLE, powder PESHAWAR. India Rent. Ik. mean.

Almost every meal down here 12.30 swept to her death over the Ar 0.0O Cant, J. R. A. gtmyan. Roysl Kabul report today aaid that in ex baa included meat, not too well cooked.

a no sn. nut u. at. Andrtwi, rlcotliijd. can Falls thia evening while huiH iaor V.

Hsekl. Ukettlla ecuting rebel who took part in a recent uprising, tbe Afghan Government Cartar. Handa and now the Cherry and Whit youngster are all aet to alnk their fang Cant. Ernrit F. Point Club, Po run waaniniitoa.

l. ft C. c. tiri-at ci. x.

(.50 15.35 M'lle Hosan, Multnomah O. C. 1'ortUod Ora. a dn w. Nojes.

Ardiley rloh ArdnliMr TAKING TWO-SET TILT of person looked on. A seartil tbe river bank failed to dittW clue to ber identity. wa shooting them from cannon, two 12.35 into any one mey can lay tanga on. From all thia you mar deduce that aW-Hnrrlaon R. Johniton.

Whttt weeks to large and delighted audiences. At that time tb tar acored a big bit aa did also a newcomer Maureen O'Sullivsn, a dainty Irish lassie, who 35 13.80 J. (haae. Park Club. But' Tht woman waa first seen a 4 falo Heinle Miller ia no vegetarian.

That is, of course, aa far aa tbe player are concerned, he'a no vegetarian. Mlller-Jnnai, Grain o'ar itcnr, tiuov Dtllwood. Jtlnn. Elliworlh Cilia. jr Ihaooopln Plttabnreh, Pt.

10 John 0. Andaraon. Wlnttd Font II. -C. Mniuareneek.

N. Y. J. Raymond Irrituaon. IVhll.

haa lota of mametlsm and charm. By DORA LURIE 1249 HlaMdow C. Harr aon. H. Y.

waa carried beneath Goat to'-Bridge and it wa then roo lie or tnree at a time, to tare gunpowder. Traveler laid most of tb ringleader In the Soriatan outbreak bad been rounded-up and tbelr triala had atarted. Un on day twenty-two were sentenced to death. Tbe death sentences were carried out th nxt day all being blown out of cannon. 00 13.15 K.

Paul Andraon. Jr Canot Tommy Clifford, a youthful performer, also found favor and the cast a I an In. save her. Tbe body came to Prnok C. C.

HummK. sr. J. WIKrrd Croalr. Norfolk 0.

C. rtidrtftm. Makl. C. C.

Chaatnut lllll. Pa eluded .1. M. Kerrigan and John Gar- lb iemple squad Is lu wonderful shape and the condition of the few non-combatanta ia nothing over which to worry. There'a Ed Stuscnyagn, a sophom*ore guard hopeful, for Instance.

face momentarily below the falls'! 12.45 rich. An settings or old Ireland were 15 rrank J. Kntllah. Mllbiirn 0. and U5 tiarld W.

Ward. Kant C. C. up to a late hour tonight had nntH l.rnnrl Itaolda. rn.

litu particularly picturesque and natural. Of the ttats show those who con ilrorsr I. Uwrr, S''lirjrlr Mea recovered, by the Los Angeles Association never fully recovered from the daze which enveloped them. Striving to regain their highly touted stride In the 'second set, the Workniau-Bubooek duo were thwarted by self-committed error. "Oh.

1 cannot believe we won," said the Marlowea, both dark-haired, brona-eil lasses. The victory stunned them dowa I'loh. AlhaiiT N. r. in the drill on fundamentals this morn INDICTED AS FRAUD 12.50 tributed excellent acta included Neil naniua t.tiv.

sio. Bl It Kill)-, Mlchlwtuktt C. C. Milwaukee Wis. 0.20 hd ward R.

TlmUt. Lmelay park Knelind. Iri-ar Mcllvain. fiakmont 0. ft.

Oakmont. pa. 10 45 II. Waathvrrtai. Albnny ing.

crosN-checkliig. Ed suffered Alhanv. N. 1 ELSIE JANIS RINGS DOR! a slight Charley horse that kept him tv. Gnrdnrr.

tlis C. But ('natignoll, novelty aaxaphonist and charlinetis: Julia Curtisa, ventriioquial singing imitator; Ruth Silver, who ren- Collector Accused of Posing a Poll fa o. N. Y. 5 irrnant A.

Crlacom. Srd. Culpb riiDTAiw nu ucd puprF 15 12 50 Emerr gtrallon. Bran Burn 0. Offict Employ An Indictment aaainst A.

M. N'al- out of tlie afternoon drill, which fea Hired attacka 'on the unoffending, un complaining, tackling dummy. Jack Bonner, cniitaln of the team. i uviii mil wil riL.ii uniik-i Wait Newton. Maas, Edwin A.

McClura. gkrtveport C. C. ahravaiMirr I because Mercedes, only HI, is making liobart T. Jna.

Atlanta 1.00 Atlitatlo C. Atlanta, fla back, Fiftieth ttrect near Market, a 80 Joiin Nnah. tmdon Hunt and ri Aetres Quit Stag Alter 25 Yrl r. i. :0 12.55 Ttauhen R.

Albania. Uouiton C. another man on the Injured list, but he uered several ballade delightfully; Daisy, tha wonder horae, who did about everything but talk, and seemed to nretty nearly accomplish that, and the Sunkiat girla In "Up In the Air," in which they did stunt on itilt. collector of bad debt wbo allegedly The national girla' championship tennis doubles titlu retains Ita furaily traditioii, although the West take the tliudcui from the East for the llrst time since 1027. Holen Marlowe and her sister.

Mercedes, of Hollywood, defeated liorothy Workman and Htib-co*ck. both of Lot Angeles, 7-5. ti-2. in the all-Weteru finals class yesterday afternoon on the Philadelphia Cricket Club turf courts at St. Marlins.

It waa an ainaiing and unexpected triumph for the Marlowe ulstera, seeded third over tha heavy favorite Work-uinn-Habco*ck team, seeded first. The Marlowe combination faced set point against them six tiinea in the tenth game of tbe Initial aet. Misses Workman and Bubco*ck led 5-4 In games and held a 40-13 advantage. The turning point arrived. Miss Workman, of tho thunderous delivery, aaw her Will Writ uer aenut in r.sstern girls play.

The other trio of Callforniana are all experienced perfurmera Hearing their eighteenth year and making exita from girls' ranks after this classic. And rl B. JSrttiabladt. Ortta Bill O. 0..

Worcaitrr. Mm. .5 i.eoriit Voltht. North Bllll 100 LOS ANGELES, Sept, 5 (A. poseq aa a foatomce department Inspector aa a method of improving hi buaineaa, waa returned yesterday by the i'lial gig A la rapidly recuperating from an attack of grlpne under the cara of Dr.

Krusen, team phyiclan, and may even get into tha ecrimmaging thia afternoon. The Houaton. 1. Frank 11. ttnaa, Saquln C.

C. Pari fort. Conn. S.33 1 00 Howard A. Tvron, Tflmlr 0.

i 0. C. Elmlra. N. Y.

T. Bloch. Whaelln C. C. Whffllna.

W. Va. Elsie Jania. a leading actress I1 i'ucinainrj, rt, r. w.

B. McCulloijh. Buntlnf. Valley 0. ft.

Nohlt. Pa. to defeat a rival home Stuta team on of led 1.10 ceuerai urana jury. The warrant aoeciflcnllv ehsrires Vnl- n.iuwvvm. Uwion Llttla.

Praaldlo quarter of a century, tonight Hi' hd quit the stage forever. "Common Clay" at Karlton Th Immensely successful melodra 1.30 105 J. B. Mlckloa. Horal Uontnal srira, back with poaing aa a Postolfic De- n.

I llonlrral. Lanada. I tafcr Miss Jania explained she was loreign territory aome coup to tak buck to California. Helen and Mcrcedoa could not confine tbemselvee at the conclusion of the match. They instinctively congratu Cbarlea E.

F'daj. Tht Country partment employee. Postal Inspector 1.15 oh. si I Uk Iv. rtah.

matic picture, based on tbe (tag play of the same name, "Common Clay for a week at tb Karlton yea- to do the thing she long had deion A. 1. Hawkswortb, who Investigated tha cbargea against Kalback. said that hs I i Rnn do write. 35 1.10 drone V.

fioian, tlouston 0. 0., Houalon, Xrxaa. Jamra A. Fownai. Oakmont PPfrl Maldatoni V.

1 Jthtmoto. NY. 43 John E. Unman. Olvmpla Flalila C.

C. Ohmpla Fields. III. "as V. Homana.

Sntltwood 0. ft. Knul.wood. N. J.

.60 fleomt Yon Elm. a actio 0. 0 lot Ansalra. Calif. 5-t fselr'nn.

Y. .55 John Oondmao. ttkewood C. 0. 4ftnia kaa Vak In announcing her decision terany.

in central Character of Kllen Neal ia remarkably well Dlnved bv Con Oakmont. l'a. lated on another and then made for th net where their vanquished foea were waiting to acknowledge the lost to 1.13 Vim. c. rownea.

Oskmont actresa aaid she could not quit enura iionner lamily ia nor da football, aa Corny, Jack' brother, ia resting an Injured foot. Today was a repetition of the drill on fundamental pf the other day of practice thua far. Except, of eourae, for tbe fact that tackling drill was added to the routine. Both coaches Bert Bell, the backfield, and John Dngrossa, of the line, are working intensely on interference. JOSE SANTA XAYOIa OE KEWAHK.

N. .1. I tint Mnta. ronuui.

tlunl stance Bennett, and th other charac 1.20 1.35 c. oakmont. pa tbe man made threat against delin-quenta. He ia aaid to have threatened them with arrest it they did not meet their financial obligations. Four specific charge of posing a a postal Inspector in order to make collectiona stage as long aa ber mother was l'ie ter ar In good keening.

The nicture with tne customary formal hand service shots returned. Overanxious, The mother, Mrs. Jomepbine Jauin.fl shake. The Western pair succeed rilbaon Punlan, nivltrs 0. 0..

Annrlta, Calif. t.15 MO Altxanrter lllddla. Cliilph Slllll O. Phltadrlnlila. Pa.

F. B. Wrppnrr. amnion Bright! the losing duo made two straight oute. The.

Marlowea gripped a new lease on again scored a triumph with the audience yesterday and will probably prove quite a magnet during ita showing. seven weeka ago, "She loved th iiarah and Mianne Pulfrey, of Boston, who held the doubles coronet for the are contained in the indictment. tre so much," Miss Janis added. (lie contest. Four times more the past two years.

i riTtrmirfn. ra. 50 1.35 Pon P. Carrb k. acsrbore 0.

0. Toronto Canada. T. SutTrrn Tailor. Newport I an X- I.

1,30 10,00 C. Ro Someryllle, London Bunt C. C. Undnn, Canada. Kdmond H.

Drlsta. Ukevlll Orest NtcV. N. Y. 1 83 10.05 Charlrt F.

bbaldtn. Wtltchtl-tar C. ft. Brt, N. Y.

0. H. Turplu. Royal Montrul Helen Marlowe will oppose Sarah Palfrey, Hoston, defending national girls singles champion, in the finals Jack B. Markla.

In wood C. in oi wvuiitr pound. loo bit Mil Inwood. N. 1 ASS 1 SO Billiard A Jonra.

W'rt rSartar Hilt U. C. hit Ihe NWi piti ican of is mtj nil N'ai Ann ting I IT i t.h-i ot tne classic at two clock this afternoon. Helen waa runner-up last IMaloa to rtsrlit-hanl iwh In tbf con round of i scheduled o-n. round flcht at iho V.

I Mrom. tonkin. In f.t Jo-Morejo. Or.n wellerwf iI''HIpii from Murray Elklna. o( York I'lmrlra T).

Hunter. Th 1.40 Workinan-Bubco*ck team held match point and the immovable Marlowe force prevailed. Things were not smooth in the twelfth game. The Marlowea sported 40-l," acore on C'tuoliu's service and aet point in their grasp. It was an exact duplicate of the tenth game as tlie losers ennie through this time.

Again the Marlowe fortune were not to be denied. An out, a net, and another out settled the initial aet adge year. Pprlnrliaven C. Vt alllnrfortl. Pa, 10.00 1 83-N.

Pavldaon Hrron, Oakmout onkmont. ra. r. Bbldrll. Cherry 1.45 va liurdrn ly.

N. 1 10.0,1 1 40 T. A. Bourn. Horal 4k Anolant y.

Canada. 10.10 U. Boech. York Downs 0. ft.

Toronto, Canada. Donald J. Armatrom, Aurora 0. urnr. III.

10.15 Joaapu M. Bafcheldtr. Ralfm ft 0.. Salem. Maaa.

Tt Clarka Corkran. Hunllntdnn c- c- rhlltdtlphlt. Pa. 10.20 Dr. Oacar F.

vVIIIn. Yiararlcy 0. ft, Portland. Ora. Jack Waatland.

SunMt Bldtt 0. Wlanttkt. III. 10.35 John Dt Paolo. Raicbn 0.

ft. RIDERS AND DRIVERS li St. Andrawa. Sootiand. 1.50 Josa W.

Swrrlarr. KIwaucjT Mount arnon. New York. 1010 1.45 Urn Stain. Beattlt 0.

aat Vh By WEB Hanrv w. Cematnck. Wanakabi 1.53 Himbiire. Naw York itissi til Hi 7-5 for Helen and Mercedes. Swept Add by Sudden Chang Iorothy Workman and Carolln Bah-co*ck, the two hard-hitting terrors with vuhanic smashing ability at the net were completely, overwhelmed by tbe iitiMeu change.

10.15 1.50 Mai II. Maraton VIrrlon Crick TTTlIILE he won the 2.14 rloh. navarford. Pa "ooeri naie, did not ttobrrt H. MeCrsrr.

tiolf Jt C. n.a Innpi. Iowa sn. show anywhere near the. neeH of 2.1414, won race at Hat-field last Wednesday, pacing, th final heat In 2.084.

Some thr. year-old. fii'n'n 10.30 1.55 Mertdlth M. Jack, Tina Vsllsy lla at Hatfield track last Thursday be did tuero a year ago. The loi.iug duo sent to the Nationals (I.

Clrmanton. New jrraw. Krcd Cartar. Twin Hilts 0. Oklahnrua CltT.

Okla. 10.25 S.OC John U. 1 Korrat, I'nombt Bill OH J. NESBITT, of Rockfield (I Siirrav. a.naland.

reter Jolla just equalled his mark IHU ENTRY FIRST, raiin, n'ar Ambler, has a mini ot year ago, z.lU, Bt Hatfield I hi sMy 50 Year; in Baseball" Connie Mack's Own Story Told As Only The Old Veteran, Himself, Could Tell Itl lor Mili. Uurunce M. Lloyd. Pint Vallrj i. Pine Vallry.

N. J. 1030 2.05 Krarutt 11 Vavtr. Lot Antataa I) C. California ber of new thorouahbreds on th i.imo acquired a new mark of 2.13 flat in winning th 22i iissi Fills Kiuiwlea.

Tht Apawamla farm. Dorothy West, a bay mare, is In foal to Chizel. She came from the pare. BUT fifill 'the i'tny. Miniord stud.

Sweesie ia by Sweep, Cluh. N. T. 10 33 2.10 rrnncla tlulmrf.

Woodland 0. C. Auburndata. Maaa. Krauklln C.

siorrna. lAk aid a. C. rtolirwoarl. Cnllf.

and hi foal to Nildare. 8I10 ia tbe Worthy Maid, 2.13, by Worthy l'eter, raced to a new mark last Thursday at tho Montgomery County fair. She Itui ii 1 10.40 2.15 Itudolf K. Knaiunr, Onwcntili rwfeA Ill winner of four races and a product of Southern Virginia. appears to be a right good eort of VVaita Gunn.

Oskmont 0. 0.. Oakmont. Ta. 10.45 2,30 Thomaa P.

Perkins. Fox Bills 0. 1 bat I Mfb I I ere, ids Trotter and Pacer Stake, to be raced at Reading next week in two C. Staoieton. N.

X. Sam Perry. C. 0. ot Blrmlnr knt lliham.

mvisions. mould produce a keen con Anarira. Calif. Oordnn Taylor. York tlownt 2.

c- Toronto, Canada. 2.00 10.30-Eddla Hald. Uktrlllt U. 4 0 ft. Great Neck, N.

Y. Wm. F. McPhali. Norfolk 0.

0.. PHham. Maaa. 2.05 10,55 Ralph F. Hoffman.

Caatlaweod ft ft. Pltaaanton. Calif. Francla p. Htraey.

Walltilty 0. c- Wtllrila y. Ma.a. 2.10 10.40 Charlaa Kvans. Edttwttar f.

ft. Chlcaeo. III. Harold Oroai. Fnntlnedon VIIT ft Noble, Pa.

2.15 10.15 John p. Ames. Ulan Titw Club, Oolf. in. Howard Waaaarmaa, Phllaont ft C'' fhllmont.

Pa. 2.20 10.50 Maurlet J. McCarthy. Orten Meadow 0. ft.

Harrlaon, N. Y. J. Walcolt Brown. Herlna Uka C.

ft. aorlnt N. 2.25 10.65 John A Ribtrta, Ythnundtilt 0. ft. I'tlct.

N. Y. J. wlnalon Kindt. Old York Rofd 0.

0.. Jrnklntown. Pa. 250 11.00 Nalaon J. Ruddy.

Clovarnack 0.. Clnchnatl. Ohio. Charlat H. Mayo.

Pomonok c- "h'shtna. N. Y. 2.55 11.05 Enarna Mill. Carolina 0.

C. RalrlKh. N. ft H. W.

Koahn. Marlon Cricket fla Bartrfm-d, l'a. 2.40 11.10 Luthrr Nchamback, Oaaat 0. 0.. Klrkwood.

Mo. Theodora Johniton, riretn Valley C. ft. rhliadelphii. Pa.

1.45 11,15 William 0. Blanay. Braa Burn ft ft. Waat Newton. Ma.a.

F. 0. Ilohlltnil. Umhton 0. 4k P- P- Toronto.

Canada. 2.50 11 20 Jack A. Ahtarn. Wanakth C. 0..

Hamburn. N. Y. n. Boyd.

Roiboreuab, ft ft. Philadelphia, Pa. 3.55 11,25 Ceorgt W. Thomtt. Olympln Flelda 0.

ft. Olymola Flalda. llU Cliarln Knoali, Lochayan C. ft, Detroit, Mich, 5.00 11.30 Oeoraa t. Newton.

Dtnvtr C. ft. Denver. Colo. John R.

A. Raloltr 0. i ft ft. (Seattle, Waab. 10.50 '336 J.

VIIon Johnimn. Wtttrlay test, ihe pacing division will be r. Portland. Oreann. raced on Tuesday, while the trotters irotter.

Ther will eight fair In this Stat next week. Reading and Hanovtr ar th ntarest to this end of the State. Athens, Indiana, Port Royal, Tltusvlllo, Beaver Falls and Jannerstown are the other. Mai Charles A. Itockncr.

Cedarbrook P. C. Mt. Fn. 10.55 250 (Sua Noiotnv.

Edirwood Valley win go on ednesday afternoon. Allentown rair entries will close next week. The usual large programme C. a tlrnnia. ill.

H. Clinmller Kcan. Rornt Tl ley O. Mrdtord, Oron. 11.00 2.35 Cyril J.

H. Tollay. Bit U. C. SoHoaz.

KuaUnd OYSTER BAY, N. Sept. 5 (A. Bermuda' yachtsmen won a four-corner race with England, Scotland and the United Statea on Long Island Sound today. The Bermuda tenm of two six-metre In mi is won with a total of 11 points, wilh the United States second with 10 V4; Knglnnd third with and Scotland last with Although the American entry.

Mars, akippered by Philip J. Roosevelt, captured first place, Bermuda won the event by placing second and fifth. R. V. Holt piloted the Achilles borne in second place and Kenneth and Eldmi Triiiimiugham were fifth with tha Viking.

The Scottish boat, Flntra, piloted by S. Barker, was third, but the other entry from that country, Coral, skippered by Major A. A. Stuart-Black, win oe racea at that place. An anniversary week ill ba observed A I.

John B. Hvrrion. Onwtntilt lentown Fair this year and ome big ABE EVANS, by Oliver Evan. Club. I.aka roraat.

III. 11.03 3.40 Jack Cummins. Weatwood 0. 0- Clrraland. Ohio.

John J. Mrllufh, Cilymple Club. Han Frtn.laco. Calif. 11.10 2.45 c.

tlunl. Uouaton 0. 0. llouaton. Tataa.

eing raced in thit section by fci. Miller, of Washington. I). Stro Stro Firn POI Easj Steai la showing improvement each week. lirorsa A.

McWUIIamt. Bunktr She Btarted the season with a mark of 2.10, and is better than a 2.10 II ill C. Mlra, 111. 11,15 3.50 Watson Yalta. Roysl Moo.

treal 0. C. Montreal. Camilla. Spancar L.

Jonaa, Plymouth (J. C. Norriatown. Pa. BEGINS NEXT MONDAY In pacer right now.

was disqualified soon after the start 11.20 5.03 tlt S. tiordon. Indlsn Hill Entries lo the Doylesfown Fair mums are promisen in an nivislona. Th Ac Second, racing under th color of Ralph B. Strassbur-ger, of the Gwynedd Valley, scored at Saratoga both In July and August.

Each time the race was In a dash of two mile and with fast company competing. Washingtonville recalls Walnut Grove Farm aud Alden Goldsmith. The home bouse and a few of the stables are still stuudiug. It waa to this farm that Alden Goldsmith took Volunteer and the fenee-junininif mnre Club. 111.

Andrew II. Kara. Old York Toad II. L. Jpok iifowo.

on races of September l'J-1'tl will close on the lSlh. The classes rsnne from 2.30 to free-for-alls, for hoth trotters 11 5S 00 Frnncla Krao Oakland Bills C. C. rm natiam. ollcli.

lor lulling the Rtnke Ih.iiI. The boats were sent over a un. I windward course, three luilcs in length and sailed twice around. Aiiled by a strong and freshening breeze the distunce wn covered in excellent time. T.mnard Mania, Tba Aeawamla Bass Matched to too Hta 11.30 Wiu J.

riatt. Pblla. Cricket THE INQUIRER Fight Ed Anderson Club. Bt. Martina.

Pa. Joaenh Thnmuaun. Watardown 0. II. Ilnmilton ranaila and pacers, Purses, and $400, with a $10 entrance fee.

Cindy by Napoleon Direct, which Billy Bull purchased for $600 at auction, aa a yearling, and raced ta 1 two-year-old mark 11 15 1.05 Aire M. Knmip. Baltlmort 0. C. 1BANKF0RD ABSENAL CE1IBRATEJ Dff MOINES, lent.

6 Tt, 0 P. -Benny Junior llichtMilirht. and Baaa. rni ane nnia imiin Phllailelnhia that entertained all of North America Haltlmora. Sid.

(irrard 1) McHnnh. Whttemarah Vallty C. C. Chaatnnt Hill. Fa Wale Awlenoa Aim eraon or OLaan.

hav. lw. Frank-ford Ar'nl flub will tlose Hielr anaufil irauif itli the Pafuiie Hloomar Mfrls1 en Kundu? afternoon at Taroar and Brldt stretta, tht tame tIO( called for I eVIort. tor fourteen yeara under tha name matchad for a ten-nnnrl hoot her iaptam-har is. Ihey mat hare BtDtemher S.

with 11.40 HO Fradarlck J. Wrtubt. Alhar- of Goldsmith Maid. isrls 0. C.

Wait Newtoa. Malt. Bass tettlat a decliroa..

The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.